Academic Writing using SOLO Taxonomy - Online Game | Literacy Resource

by - 12:33

One of the Technology Department Goals for 2020 was based on Literacy, in alignment with the School Goal 2 for Literacy and Numeracy.  

The Technology Department Literacy Goal for 2020 is:

To develop ‘Explanation Writing’ classroom display resources for each specialist technology subject, based on SOLO taxonomy

I have been developing a slide deck of Academic Writing that relates to Game Development. The academic writing exemplar follows SOLO taxonomy, and I intend using this as an exemplar with my students, to support them to gain Merit and Excellence. I am seeking feedback and support from Marc Milford, after which, I will further develop the exemplar to follow the Explanation Writing model demonstrated in the poster.

This will enable a Visual Representation to be used on my classroom wall, Working Exemplars that the students can follow, and hopefully the consistency of the design, both within my own practice, and also across the department, will reinforce the key literacy features that we are wanting our learners to apply in their own work.

Academic Writing - Online Game 

The following is the first version of the slide deck that I have developed, which Marc is providing feedback for.  The slide deck follows the same format that Karen Ferguson developed for Design Writing for her learners.  I really like the SOLO Taxonomy images that Karen created, and the layout of her slides, which I feel will make the information easy to follow.

In addition, Marc has provided me with links to readings that support the Literacy process that I am working through for my learners.

I would like this to form the basis of my Inquiry for 2021, and so, will explore this in more detail.

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