Technology - Manaiakalani Department Discussions March 2022

by - 16:12

On the 3rd March 2022 the Technology Department had the opportunity to participate in and share various aspects of our teaching and learning in the Technology - Manaiakalani Department Discussions, facilitated by Kerry Boyde-Preece.

As well as sharing an overview of the Technology Department, which you can follow by accessing our presentation Manaiakalani Technology Department Discussion | March 2022, the Techies also shared in some of the developments within their own Specialist Subject Areas.

Carol spoke about the range of hybrid learning techniques that both herself and Meryl have been applying within their subject area of Food Technology, which has included practical lessons online (students in their home environments and teachers also in their home environments), a combination of onsite and online in two different venues (students in their Primary school environment, and teachers in their Secondary school environment), and also completely onsite at Tāmaki College.


Rob and Andy talking about the different pathways in Building and Construction, and in particular, Rob providing insight as the Tāmaki College Trades Academy, into the pathways and industry connections that the Trades Academy offers to our students.

Ruby spoke about 'Design Thinking' and how she is inquiring into cultural responsiveness as a way of enabling learners to celebrate themselves and share of their identity and who they are as a part of the learning process.

Marc discussed the literacy work that he had been working on relating to the Technology curriculum area, including examples of the literacy strategies, interventions and learning tasks that he had developed in this area.

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