Dealing with Data!

by - 17:09

I met with my SPARK Buddy today, Bernadette McDougall, to discuss data and ways of measuring shift and change with my Inquiry.  I talked about the data that I had so far; Google Site Audit, Staff Survey, Student Survey still in progress, and 2016 NCEA data.  As it happens (and probably no surprise to those who deal with me on the regular), I'm having to take my 'big picture' mentality, and focus in on specific targets in order to show examples of how the use of the Visible Teaching and Learning framework is enabling shifts in achievement to happen.  It's a relief really, as I'd been extracting and gathering NCEA data in such a way that the data gathering process was completely doing my head in, and detracting away from the outcome that I'm trying to achieve.  I was basically looking at way too much information.  So now, I'm going to focus on gathering in responses from Student Voice, and refine the NCEA data that I'm going to use as my comparisons, in order to measure change.  Thanks for the advice Bernadette, and for coming in to visit.

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