VTaL and Kahoot! - Gamification and Developing Student Understanding of Assessment Information
Developing Student Understanding of Assessment Information
I have used Kahoot! before in my junior classes, as a tool to encourage students to unpack the assessment information and instructions. I decided to use this approach again. I explained to students that they had approximately 10 minutes to read through the assessment information, after which, we would complete a Kahoot!
The VTaL Tools and Processes Used
Students who I have taught in previous years eg. current Year 10s previously taught as Year 9s, or Years who I taught as intermediate students, are fully accustomed to how they locate and access learning instructions in my class. This generally starts by navigating to my DigiTech with Ms Anderson Google Site, then to the Year Level Calendar, and by clicking on the event for today's date to see the specific instructions for that lesson [as shown in the screenshot].Students would then locate the Year 10 DigiTech Project via the Workspace in the Student Dashboard. Or, for students who do not have access to the workspace, they could also access the Year 10 DigiTech Project via the Year Level tab in the DigiTech with Ms Anderson Google Site.
How Effective was the Teaching and Learning Strategy
The following are the Kahoot! results from the first attempt at the Kahoot!, eg the pre-test, as well as the results from the second attempt at the Kahoot!
Kahoot Results - 2018 Year 10 Technology Project Semester 1 - Attempt 1 - Correct Answers 55.10%
Kahoot Results - 2018 Year 10 Technology Project Semester 1 - Attempt 2 - Correct Answers 88.80%