BP5 : Academic or Professional Reading 3 | High School Spaces and Student Transitioning : Designing for Student Wellbeing

by - 21:14

My target group of learners for my Inquiry 2020 will be my Year 11 NCEA Level 1 class. I intend inquiring into the process of using the LearnCoach online programs (content) and VTaL Visible Teaching and Learning (workflow) to accelerate student achievement for Tamaki College students undertaking courses in Digital Technologies NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.

The following is an excerpt from the Professional Reading 

A blog post that I recently wrote about my Target Group, relates to three of the six key elements of student wellbeing; these include, (1) I feel happy, (2) I can think and learn, and (3) I feel part of the school community.  

I feel happy

The blog comment that one of the learners included in the blog post, BP4,  suggests that the learner feels happy, and proud by the following sentences in his comment "I like sharing my work into the Year 11 DigiTEch Google+ Community because I like to help other students out with what they're confused about." and "I share my work into the Year 11 DigiTEch Google+ Community not only because it makes me feel proud but because it's helping other students as well."

I can think and learn

The blog comment that one of the learners included in the blog post, BP4,  indicates that the work that the learner shares into the Year 11 DigiTech Google+ Community, including the title and description of the work, gives him a greater understanding of the work "It gives me a greater understanding of the work that I have completed and shared because you need to know what is the heading of the work, what's about and where you find it."

I feel part of the school community

The response that students provided to Question 1 and Question 5 in the blog post, BP4, suggests that the students feel a part of the "Class" or "Subject" community, by all responding YES to the use of the Year 11 DigiTech Google community to share their tasks.

Question 1

The following shows that all students who participated in the questionnaire are using the Year 11 DigiTech Google+ community.

Ms Anderson: Q1 - Do you use the Year 11 DigiTech Google+ community?
Student 1: yes

Student 2: yes

Student 3: yes

Student 4: yes

Student 5: yes

Question 5

All of the students responded YES to sharing their own work into the Google+ community.  What hasn't been established is whether they like sharing their work, whether they do it just because it has been asked of them, whether they share the work because it makes them feel proud  to share their work, or any other reason that they may share their work.

Ms Anderson: Q5 - Do you use the Year 11 DigiTech Google+ community to share some of your tasks?
Student 4: yes

Student 2: yes

Student 3: yes

Student 5: yess

Student 1: Yes

Whilst the data that was collected, was in the form of a questionnaire conducted via the chat function in a Google Hangout, and didn't follow any of the examples of data collection in the reading, the data still gave an indication of various aspects of student wellbeing by students using the digital tool of a Google+ Community to support their learning.  Although it is just a snapshot of student wellbeing, there is enough positive feedback to see how the use of the Google+ Community supports student learning.

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