It's only early days ... but I'm already seeing the impact of VTaL and Student Achievement at Senior Level in DigiTech

by - 15:47

There are four different projects happening in DigiTech at the moment.  With the Senior DigiTech class being a multi-level senior class (Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3), it has been really helpful for the students to know what they're learning (Hyperlinked Calendar posts and SOLO-focused learning activities) and to track their progress (Class Task List).

The projects that the students are working on includes:
Level 1 - Create a Website (continuation from JumpStart)
Level 1 - Use Command Sequences
Level 2 - Create a Website
Level 3 - Brief Development

Link to Academic Achievement

Four of the eight Level 1 students gained 2 x Level 1 unit standard credits for their Website project during JumpStart.  Of these four students, three of them have now gained 2 x Level 1 unit standard credits for Use Command Sequences (awaiting moderation).

Nine out of the eleven Level 2 students are two thirds of the way through their first learning activity for their first project, Create a Website.  The significance of this is (a) only one student took DigiTech at Level 1, and (b) the majority of the work for this project occurs in Activity 1.

One of the two Level 3 students are now halfway through their first achievement standard project, Brief Development.  At the same time last year (while this student was in Level 2) it took an extraordinary amount of time (nearly two terms), for this student to complete the Level 2 standard for Brief Development.

The reason why VTaL is working

The main reasons why VTaL is working in Senior DigiTech at the moment, is as follows:
  • students have access to the learning information (instructions, tasks etc) every lesson they attend.  These are rewindable resources for lessons when they are absent
  • students have ongoing and regular feedback, which at least half of the class feels they are receiving really fast.  This enables the students to identify where they are at in their projects, and what needs to happen next
  • more than half of the students find the Year Level communities useful, for accessing exemplars of existing tasks, to guide their own learning
  • students are not affected by the learning pace of their peers around them eg. they can continue learning regardless of whether those around them are working at a faster or slower pace then they are

It's only Week 5 in Term 1.  I'm keen to monitor student achievement as the term and year progresses.

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