EdTech Akld 2018 : VTaL - Tracking Student Progress

by - 21:36

I had the privilege of presenting at the EdTech Team Auckland GAFE Summit held at Aorere College.  The focus of my session was VTaL - Tracking Student Progress.    In 2017, I delivered a session entitled VTaL Visible Teaching and Learning in a Secondary School Context.  This year's session was an opportunity to focus in on one of the VTaL tools, Tool 03 : Class Project Task Lists, and provide examples of how I have used the tracking sheets to inform my practice, and accelerate student achievement.

I always find it greatly satisfying having the opportunity to share my experiences, the trials, tribulations and everything in between, with fellow teaching practitioners, if it is going to enable them to learn from both my success moments as well as my mistakes.

Tracking sheets and monitoring systems are certainly not a new concept.  They've been around as far back as assessment has ever existed.  However, tracking sheets, marking sheets, checklists etc are completely pointless if they are not going to be used to Inform Teacher Practice, and, Accelerate Student Achievement.  It doesn't matter how many bells, whistles, colours, links, gifs or emojis can be dropped into tracking sheets.  If the tracking sheet isn't used to Inform Teacher Practice, and Accelerate Student Achievement, then as a tool, the tracking sheet is pointless.

Was the presentation useful?

Of the many people who attended the presentation, the following is a snapshot of feedback from some of the attendees:

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  1. Kia ora Hinerau,
    Looks like it was a worthwhile presentation. Sorry I missed it. I really like your point about the tracking sheet needing to accelerate student achievement. A good test for anything we do. I see you mention learners tracking their own progress. To me that would be a good indicator of them owning the learning.
    Ngā mihi,

    1. Kia ora Maria, thank you for your feedback. I don't know how we didn't cross paths at all over the past two days :) I've been very lucky over the past few years to be able to capture student voice either in short movie clips, or by the students creating a screencastify of their practice. Honestly, that sort of feedback is priceless. Look forward to catching up at some stage. Cheers, Hinerau
