VTaL - Reflecting on School Goal 3 in Term 1 for NCEA Level 2 DigiTech Students
School Goal 3 Transition
DigiTech NCEA Level 2
Term 1 Week 3 Update - NCEA Level 2 Create a Website 25655
Term 1 Week 3 Update - Strategies and Interventions
- Student 1
- 22 Feb - Meeting with student. Determined that the student was working on stakeholders in Task 2
- Student 2
- 22 Feb - Meeting with student. Workspace has been working since yesterday. Currently working on Task 2 Resources. Wants to create a website about Rugby League.
- Student 3
- 22 Feb - Meeting with student. Working on stakeholders in Task 2. Wants his website to be about Rugby League.
- Student 4
- 22 Feb - Meeting with student. Submitted Task 2 for marking. Unsure about Task 1 in terms of readiness for submission. Will check Task 1 and start Task 3.
- Student 5
- 22 Feb - Meeting with student. Working on stakeholders in Task 2.
- Student 6
- 22 Feb - Meeting with student. Needs to finish Task 1 Testing Procedures. Currently also working on Context Brainstorm.
Term 1 Week 4 Update - NCEA Level 2 Create a Website 25655
Term 1 Week 4 Update - Strategies and Interventions
- Student 1
- 6 March - Peer Support from Dell to meet deadlines [Tuakana-Teina Collaborative Teaching Strategy].
- 9 March - Meeting with Level 2 students. Project Update; explain Monday catchup session.
- Student 2
- 6 March - Student Absent Q.
- 9 March - Student Absent Q.
- Student 3
- 6 March - Peer Support from Sione to meet deadlines [Tuakana-Teina Collaborative Teaching Strategy].
- Student 4
- 6 March - Peer Support from Gus to meet deadlines [Tuakana-Teina Collaborative Teaching Strategy].
- Student 5
- 6 March - Peer Support from Tau to meet deadlines [Tuakana-Teina Collaborative Teaching Strategy].
- Student 6
- 6 March - Peer Support from Issam to meet deadlines [Tuakana-Teina Collaborative Teaching Strategy].
Term 1 Week 5 Update - NCEA Level 2 Create a Website 25655
Term 1 Week 6 Update - NCEA Level 2 Create a Website 25655
Term 1 Week 6 Update - Strategies and Interventions
- Student 1
- 20 March - I rung home and left a message on parent's mobile, explaining that Student 1 is at risk of not completing their assessment that is due on Thursday 22nd March. Student 1 did not attend the lunch time session today, nor did they attend the after school session last Monday. I am available tomorrow at interval and lunchtime for student to complete their work.
- 21 March - Meeting with Parent and Student about the current assessment, and what needs to happen to achieve.
- Student 2
- 20 March - Student Absent Q.
- 21 March - Student Absent Q.
- Student 3
- 20 March - I rung home , explaining that Student 3 is at risk of not completing their assessment that is due on Thursday 22nd March. Student 3 did not attend the lunch time session today, nor did they attend the after school session last Monday. I am available tomorrow at interval and lunchtime for student to complete his work.
- Student 4
- 20 March - Student Absent.
- Student 5
- 20 March - Student Absent Q.
- 21 March - Student Absent Q.
- Student 6
- 20 March - Student Absent Q.
- 21 March - Student Absent Q.
Term 1 Update - NCEA Level 2 Create a Website 25655
Term 1 Update - Strategies and Interventions
- Student 1
- 5 April - Project Update Survey whereby students submitted feedback on tasks that they had completed, strategies that they could and should apply to complete work, and feedback on specific help required from the teacher.
- 9 April - Student is awaiting moderation feedback on Project 1.
- Student 2
- 5 April - Student Absent.
- 6 April - Student Absent.
- Student 3
- 5 April - Project Update Survey whereby students submitted feedback on tasks that they had completed, strategies that they could and should apply to complete work, and feedback on specific help required from the teacher.
- 9 April - Student is awaiting moderation feedback on Project 1.
- Student 4
- 5 April - Project Update Survey whereby students submitted feedback on tasks that they had completed, strategies that they could and should apply to complete work, and feedback on specific help required from the teacher.
- 9 April - Student is awaiting moderation feedback on Project 1.
- Student 5
- 5 April - Project Update Survey whereby students submitted feedback on tasks that they had completed, strategies that they could and should apply to complete work, and feedback on specific help required from the teacher. Extension negotiated due to an Off-Site 3-day Course in the previous week.
- 6 April - Lunch time catchup - did not attend.
- 9 April - Reassessment opportunity to be completed in Student's own time - due 29 April.
- Student 6
- 5 April - Project Update Survey whereby students submitted feedback on tasks that they had completed, strategies that they could and should apply to complete work, and feedback on specific help required from the teacher. Extension negotiated due to an Off-Site 3-day Course in the previous week.
- 6 April - Lunch time catchup - did not attend.
- 9 April - Submitted Project 1 work for moderation.
Overview of Term 1 Tracking and Teaching Interventions for School Goal 3
- Formal Meetings with Students
- Tuakana-Teina Collaborative Teaching Strategy
- Student Reflection through the use of Project Update Surveys using Google Forms
- Interval, Lunch time and After School Catch Up Sessions
- Contact with Home
- Parent Meeting