Planning for the Human Rights Collaborative Project

by - 17:24

One of our Social Studies teachers, Alex Brown, and myself, had previously collaborated together on the EMR Collaborative Project early in the year.  With the changeover of our junior students from Semester 2 into Semester 3 subjects for Technology, this presented an opportunity for Alex and I to collaborate on another project with 10TTu.  So, we had an initial meeting to see how we could make this happen.  

Image result for universal declaration of human rights pdf poster

We talked about contexts relevant to the next unit of work for Social Studies; that being Human Rights.  We also discussed how the development of a digital media outcome, could be used to supplement the learning and understanding of the content relating to the context, and the possibility of the outcome also being used to address a social action relating to Human Rights.  And so, we're at the stage of sharing initial ideas and are looking at ways to expand our planning in a collaborative sense, both to engage student learning, and to accelerate achievement across both learning areas.

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