Inquiry Focus - Human Rights Collaborative Project

by - 20:57

After the initial meeting with Alex to discuss the collaboration of teaching 10TTu for the Human Rights unit of work, I decided to look at my approach to how I would be teaching both of the Year 10 classes this semester.  So, I jotted down some notes to make sense of how things would look different for each class.  

Essentially, the assessment task for DigiTech will look exactly the same, other than 10TTu having their Social Studies teacher, Mr Brown, as their client for the project.  This will enable Alex and I to stipulate specifications within the learning process, that focuses on the unit of work being used to address a social action, and also to align the content of the work with the learning that is happening in Social Studies.

Next steps are to obtain baseline data of both classes, and to investigate a summative assessment opportunity to measure against the baseline data.  This will require working with experts in the English department.

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