BP2 : Inquiry Ideas 2020

by - 16:47

Initially, the inquiry idea that I had for 2020 is that I would focus on the target group of my combined NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 students. 

The desired change in student learning that wanted to inquiry into was 'Whether increased and sustained engagement leading to achievement, could occur via the combination of online tutorials for learning (skills and content specific to NCEA standards), and Hapara Workspaces for resource sharing, evidence gathering, tracking and monitoring of student achievement'. 

The reason that I wanted to focus on NCEA Level 2 and Level 3 students is because this was the target group that these students are most closely connected to school leaving age, and the goal of '18-year-olds having a minimum of NCEA Level 2 or equivalent'.

Collaborate with Colleagues

On Monday 2 March during our Curriculum Committee meeting of School Leaders at Tamaki College, the focus was to discuss within our smaller groups (which included Christine David from Maths, Elenoa Telenoa from Art and myself), theories of action to address the achievement of Year 11 students in 2020.

The following are discussion and reflection points that I had regarding the students in my Year 11 DigiTech class this year.

It dawned on me through this discussion process that actually my target group for my Inquiry 2020 would actually be best suited to be my Year 11 NCEA Level 1 class.  If I was already having discussions with colleagues about this group of students, and this would be an ongoing discussion throughout the year, then it just made sense.  Christine and I met again the following Monday, 9 March after school, to see where we were at with the suggestions that we'd discussed from our curriculum meeting.  I'd applied the first suggestion highlighted in pink, and was looking forward to the PD session with LearnCoach on Tuesday 10th March.

Collaborate with Senior Leadership Team

On Thursday 12th March, the Tamaki College CoL teachers (including myself) met with Soana, Russel and Kathryn to discuss our inquiry ideas.  The idea that I shared my inquiry was 'Will the use of online tutorials (for content knowledge) lift achievement in NCEA Digital Technologies?' with the target group being my NCEA Level 1 students.  I conveyed to the group that I'd been tossing between my target group being my NCEA Level 2/3 students, or, being my NCEA Level 1 students.  The rationale for refocussing to my NCEA Level 1 students was that:

  • the target group aligns with the focus for the Collaborative Leadership approach with Middle Leaders in Curriculum Committee
  • LearnCoach materials are available for Level 1 courses
  • the overall inquiry idea relates to School Goal 1 - To raise Maori achievement and cultural visibility
Feedback from the meeting included the following:
  • focussing on NCEA Level 1 will allow a carry through into 2021
  • upskilling in Digital Technologies content and knowledge at NCEA level could provide an example of managing change (unpacking and resourcing) across any learning areas when the new NCEA standards are introduced
  • consideration of who I'm collaborating with to support my inquiry idea

Based on the conversations and feedback from colleagues and SLT, I'm relatively confident that the target group of NCEA Level 1 DigiTech students is a sensible group to focus on, and that my inquiry will make a powerful contribution to wider school and cluster goals.

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  1. Collaboration adds motivation to enhance learning. Thank you very much for putting a fantastic blog. This idea will definitely make us grow by sharing challenges and success.

    1. Thank you Christine. I found these meetings to be particularly valuable and useful for me in terms of moving forward with my inquiry for this year. Especially when I came to conclusion on focusing on my Level 1 learners as opposed to Level 2 and Level 3.

  2. Hi Hinerau,
    I think the process of readjusting your focus group is just as important as the change itself. I like the idea of working with colleagues throughout the year as it keeps you focussed. I understand the process of how you choose your focus group and I'm looking forward to hearing more!

    1. Thanks Dorothy, I couldn't agree more. I came as a real epiphany when discussing with both Christine and Elenoa, that actually, my Level 1 students should definitely be my target group for my inquiry. Bouncing ideas off most ladies, as well as yourself, was definitely helpful.

  3. Hi Hinerau
    The power of collaboration is undoubtly a helpful contributor in verifying whether one is on the right pathway to work and achieve an intended outcome. This comes through in your collaboration before finalizing your inquiry group and target. I think it's a real good thing.

    In your earlier collaboration with the 2 teachers in the HODs PD, the elements of motivation and engagement popped up. Some students are motivated and engaged while some will continue not to do that. I wonder how those two aspects would impact the beauty of doing online tutorials for knowledge in order to shift achievement in Digital Technologies. How would their interests and motivation be continually ignited and sustained?

    1. Hi Mele, I have found it invaluable talking and discussing my inquiry with my fellow CoL colleagues such as yourself, as well as staff who are completely disconnected from my inquiry altogether. I thoroughly enjoy listening to the perspectives that the discussions bring, and as you say, collaborating on ideas that we share together. Thank you so much
