Screen Recordings as Rewindable Learning Resources during Lockdown

by - 19:29

Two of my Year 13 students who are consistently logging into the Google Hangouts to complete work are both involved in YooBee Design courses.  However, their courses take place on different days; Character Design on Tuesdays and Game Development on Fridays.  This means that both students are not available at the same time for all of the ONLINE Lessons for Digital Technologies.

To overcome this problem, I am using the Google Meet Screen Recordings as rewindable learning resources.  The following screenshot demonstrates in the chat function in the Google Hangout, that one of the learners is accessing a screen recording from the lesson that they missed due to attending the YooBee course, to enable him to get up to speed with the work that we covered in class.

The chat shows me inquiring into the students learning, and asking if they need help.  Their response "yea miss, I'm just watching the recording that you sent".

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