Student Progress - Keeping it Visible!

by - 12:40

Student progress can be tracked using Class Task Lists.  I am using these in both my junior and senior classes.  I use a traffic light system (Red - Not attempted, Orange - Work in progress, Green +1 - Completed) so that students can determine where they are in terms of meeting the criteria within a project or standard.  This is updated as student work is completed and marked.  The usual turnover time is a week.

The example outlined below shows the following:

  • Week by week progress for each learning activity eg. Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 etc ...
  • Progress of evidence for completing each learning activity eg. Activity 1, Activity 2, Activity 3 etc ...

Students are identifiable by their specific Kamar ID Number for the School Management System.

The Class Task Lists are visible on my DigiTech site, with the intention that parents will also be able to track their child's progress using their child's Kamar ID Number.

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