Techie Teaching and Learning Environments

by - 19:07

It has been so lovely being back onsite and in our classrooms.  The Techies have been so excited to see our learners and welcome them back into our learning spaces.

In order to accommodate the health and safety requirements to enable our teachers and learners to remain safe, we have been planning, preparing and rearranging teaching and learning spaces for learners on our return to school.  This has included the care of teachers and students with sanitisers and hygiene practices, allocated seating plans for learners, care of equipment and materials, classrooms and the bathrooms.  

All Technology subjects involve a huge practical element to teaching and learning in addition to theory based lessons.  The staff have taken great consideration into the planning for practical sessions, and are especially looking forward to seeing the Year 7 and 8 students return to Tamaki College this week.

The following are a few snapshots of different areas of the Technology Department learning spaces that we have adapted for Alert Level 2 teaching and learning conditions.


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