BP3 : Tools, Measures and Approaches

by - 13:32

Describe the tools/measures/approaches you plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students’ learning in relation to that challenge. Justify why you chose these approaches and tools.

My target group of learners for my Inquiry 2020 will be my Year 11 NCEA Level 1 class. I intend inquiring into the process of using the LearnCoach online programs (content) and VTaL Visible Teaching and Learning (workflow) to accelerate student achievement for Tamaki College students undertaking courses in Digital Technologies NCEA Levels 1, 2 and 3.

The following are tools, measures and approaches I plan to use to get a more detailed and accurate profile of students' learning in relation to the challenge:

Student Voice - I've already undertaken one survey specifically to do with workflow using VTaL Sites, Calendars, Workspaces, Google+, and how easy/hard it is for the students to access learning in my subject.  I also sat and asked the students to drop emojis onto a doc, to demonstrate how they felt about the work they will be undertaking, that specifically relates to this challenge.  I will look at obtaining other forms of student voice throughout the inquiry process to gain feedback from the learners.

Hangout Recordings - Conversations with students help to demonstrate their understanding of what is required to progress forward with learning and task completion.  I will be, and have already started, reflecting back on some of the hangout recordings to understand what has worked for the learners and what hasn't.  The Hangout Recordings, also enables me to see how effective or ineffective some of the strategies and learning tools have been that I've integrated into the learning process relating to my Inquiry.

Screencastify - I often ask students to create short screencastify recordings to demonstrate to me their understanding of segments of tasks that they have to complete.  In particular, I ask the students to do this, so that they can (a) use it as a rewindable resource for skills that they've learnt, and also (b) to demonstrate to themselves as well as me, that they can actually undertake a particular skill.  The screencastify can be used for me to see how effective or ineffective some of the strategies and learning tools have been that I've integrated into the learning process relating to my Inquiry.

Evidence of Student Work - NCEA requires that students have to provide evidence of their work to demonstrate understanding and that they have also met the required standard.  I can also use this to see how effective or ineffective some of the strategies and learning tools have been that I've integrated into the learning process relating to my Inquiry.

Tracking Sheets - I've used the tracking sheets in the format that I do (green, orange, red) for many, many years.  The tracking sheets are purely used to demonstrate completion of a particular task.  However, that in itself will enable me and the learners to see how effective or ineffective some of the strategies and learning tools have been that I've integrated into the learning process relating to my Inquiry.

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  1. Vow, This is neat Hinarau! I have already trialed your tracking sheet idea, my learners have been enjoying.Now I will try to implement Screencastify to gather student voice.Very helpful!!

    1. That's great Christine. Remind me to write a blog post to show how some of my learners use screencastify to demonstrate understanding :)
