Checking that your Site is Visible with Hangout Links and Ready for Remote Learning

by - 20:05

I've just created a Screen Recording, using Google Hangouts Meet, to show how to check your Subject Site Incognito, that all of the work in your site is Visible, and also that your lessons are set up to run Google Hangout Meets with your learners.

The purpose of this Screen Recording, using Google Hangouts Meet, is to model the following:
  1. what your calendar would look like for the week, in terms of including the work, instructions and links for all lessons
  2. ensuring that your calendar events are set up to run Google hangout meets
  3. inviting guests to your Google hangout meets, including both your students and any other guests
  4. viewing your site Incognito, and navigating to each of the lessons for the week for each year level to ensure that the instructions and the work is visible

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