Teaching Quad Blogging in Google Hangouts

by - 18:16

Today my Year 9 students and I had a go at Quad Blogging.  This was our approach ...

  1. I used the chat function to "chunk" instructions, and asked students to demonstrate their understanding of the instructions that I was giving relating to Quad Blogging.  This included determining their understanding of Quad Blogging.
  2. Next I used the Hangout function to demonstrate the steps required to undertake Quad Blogging, including writing the blog post, and asking for feedback.  The setup of each of the students blogs are generic as they were following my example.  In this instance, that is irrelevant, as the purpose of this exercise was to teach the students how to Quad Blog.
  3. The students used the chat function to share access to their published blog posts.  At this point, we (myself and students) determined that at least one of the students didn't have access to their blog.  So, during the hangout, they sent an email asking that access to their blog be fixed.  This student continued the Quad Blog process in a Google doc.
  4. The students accessed each other's blogs, read each others blog posts, and attempted to provide feedback to others and gain feedback from others.  There was a huge gap in the lesson where the comments were not coming through and I needed to provide guidance to enable students to provide meaningful feedback to each other's work.  The students really struggled with this part.  I used the Hangout function to demonstrate blog comments coming through from learners and to guide the learners on appropriate ways to provide feedback.  [At this stage, the students underwent many edits to their comments that they were writing for others].
  5. The students then wrote at least one comment on another learners' blog post.
  6. We ended the lesson, with me explaining what our next steps would be for tomorrow's class.  The next step being for students to reflect on the blog comments, think about what their next steps will be based on the comments, reply to the comments explaining what their next steps will be, and then making the changes to their designs.

Here is a link to a couple of the students' blog posts:

School Stuff Website - Feedback on my Home Page Design - Student 1
School Stuff Website - Feedback on my Home Page Design - Student 2

The following are a series of screenshots that shows different parts of our process.  I hope to edit this post in the not too distant future to make these screenshots more user friendly to navigate.  However, in the meantime, hopefully they will be easy enough to follow.

EDIT:  The follow up in today's lesson (Wednesday 22 April) is that one of the student's went through the process of replying to the initial blog comment feedback on their design layout, with constructive ideas of what they were going to do next.  The following is a screenshot that shows the changes that the student is in the process of making.

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  1. Hello Mrs Anderson,
    First of all I just wanted to say how much I really appreciate how much you helped us understand the work easily. I really did enjoy this lesson because it helped me understand how to write a proper comment and how to reply confidently. By going through this process it helped me fix up my mistakes on my homepage into making it even better!. Keep up your amazing teaching Mrs :)

    1. That's very kind of you to say Marieta. I'm glad that you found the lesson sequence useful, and I'm glad that it helped you to be able to write constructive comments, and to do that confidently. Well done!

  2. Kia ora, This really helped me understand about what Quad Blogging is and how its done. Im sure anyone can understand what quad blogging is when they read through this. I also liked how you screenshot the steps, that was very helpful.

    1. Kia ora Daliz,

      I'm glad that you have found this blog post useful, especially as you were not able to attend the lesson. It's great to see that you were able to follow the screenshots to understand the process that your class mates followed, in order to complete the task.

      I understand that you have completed and submitted most of the design layout tasks, which I have marked and returned to you. When it comes to the remaining design layouts that you need to complete, this quad blogging task, might enable you to gain feedback to your designs.

      I hope that this feedback is useful to you and the tasks that you are up to :)

  3. Ola, this Quad blogging helped me understand it. Becasue I didn't understand what it was in the frist place

    1. Hi David

      I'm glad that this blog post has helped you to understand some of what quad blogging is about, especially since you were unsure of what Quad Blogging is.

      If you decide to create a blog post for one or some of your design layouts, and you need help putting the blog post together, then please don't hesitate to ask me for help :)

  4. Hello Mrs Anderson,

    This post blog you shared with us is fantastic. This post have help me understand what Quad Blogging is and how its done, because at first I didn't know what Quad Blogging is till today. I really liked how you added in screenshots so we could understand it more :) either then that thanks for the help!

    1. Hi Mele

      I'm really glad that this blog post has been useful for your learning. I'm particularly impressed that you have found the information and the screenshots helpful, given that you were not able to attend the lesson last week.

      If you would like help to blog about your design layouts, and to gain feedback about your designs, please don't hesitate to ask, and I will help you through that process :)

  5. Kia ora,
    To be honest, I have never heard of quad blogging until I read this post. I am now under the impression that quad blogging involves 4 students working together giving feedback to each other and commenting on each other's work. This would be a very challenging exercise with my class of 5 and 6 year olds because of their limited reading and writing skills. However further into the year, I will be carrying out a similar exercise on a face to face basis. And I can adapt the phrase quad blogging and call it quad facing. A great blog. Thanks.

    1. Kia ora Teresa, I'm not so sure that quad blogging technically has to include four bloggers as such. The following about Blogging and Participation awards http://www.manaiakalani.org/resources/events/te-taiao-o-tamaki/te-taio-o-tamaki---quad-blogging describes the process of quad blogging as follows: "the aim is to utilise blog commenting to generate ongoing conversations with your blogging buddies". So, really, it's more of a process that enables the ongoing conversations to take place through the use of blogs and blog comments as the communication platform. Hope the link helps :)
