The Benefits of VTaL Class Task Lists and Tracking Sheets - So what do the Students have to say?

by - 21:08

We've heard from some of the staff, here are some snippets from a few students, and how they have found the VTaL Class Task Lists and Tracking Sheets and Student Project Checklists to be beneficial to monitoring their progress, and to track their own learning.

Tauola Masua - Year 10 Student

Benefits of using the VTaL tracking sheets includes the fact that Tauola knows what she has to do, and what she hasn't finished in class.


Isabella Pohatu - Year 10 Student

Benefits of using the VTaL tracking sheets includes the ability to keep Isabella on track, and she knew what would be happening in the next lesson.

Lisiate Pau'uvale - Year 12 Student

Benefits of using the VTaL tracking sheets includes Lisiate using the sheets to know what he has to do in class.  The class list shows him where he is at in his work, according to the different activities relating to a project.  Lisiate's own checklist allows him to track his own progress during an activity.

In addition to these students, Year 7 and Year 8 students are also able to use the tracking sheets to monitor these learning.  

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  1. Choice Hinerau it's great to hear it's useful to the students!

  2. I agree Renee. If the students see the benefit of using the tracking sheets to monitor their own progress, this makes the resource useful in empowering students and their own decision making for goal setting, achievement etc.

  3. Thanks for sharing both staff and student voice on the tracking sheets. After seeing the success you had with your tracking sheets last year, I have implemented them into my classes this year. I have found them to be incredibly useful to hold students accountable for their learning, and to motivate students too. I am interested to know how students with low literacy levels and/or behavioural issues find the tracking sheets in your classes? I have found the extension, higher academic students have generally responded better than the lower academic students. Interested to hear your experiences, and I will be following your inquiry closely, as mine is similar! (I'm looking into the effect blogging in Year 11 PE has on student learning and achievement.)

    1. Those are really good questions Georgia, in terms of the effectiveness of the tracking sheets across a wide range of learning abilities. I think I'll throw together a separate blog post to try to respond to your query, as the answer (in my experience) is three-fold according to the following; (a) the range and depth of learning activities connected to the tracking sheets, (b) time and behavioural management, and how this impacts on how the tracking sheet information is relayed back to students, and (c) the usefulness of the tracking sheet feedback to the students.

    2. Thank you for your response, I look forward to reading your blogpost!
