Elevating SHARE to New Heights!
Student Subject Sites
This year I have trialled the use of Student Site templates with all year levels, including Year 7 and Year 8 students from Manaiakalani schools who attend Tamaki College for Technology. Here are a couple of examples of Technology Subject Sites used with Year 7 and Year 8 students this year:
Some examples of how and why Student Sites can be used include:
- Visually showcasing student work (according to a project or assessment) for the purpose of parent conferences, career conversations
- Job interviews or tertiary interviews/scholarship opportunities whereby students need to showcase their work according to a specific industry
- External moderation by including evidence of work according to specific assessments or standards
Student Blogs
- Students connecting with authentic audiences on particular topics which can be categorised using labels
- Students reflecting on their learning, and sharing their reflections with blog readers
- Students using their reflections and viewer comments to progress forward with next steps in the learning process
- Live feed and total views can be included in the blogs, alongside other gadgets, that enables feedback to be displayed on blog views etc.
Google+ Communities
- Multiple students posting work into a community portal about the same topic or context
- Students locating similar examples of peer work, and using the exemplars to guide their own learning
- Students learning from the comments and feedback that they provide to their peers about next steps forward
- Students learning from the comments and feedback posted by their peers on either their work, or the work of other students
Portfolio - The Main Landing Pad
Integrating the ‘Share’ Process together
I haven't achieved this yet with my students, but am experimenting with the process myself.
Actions to consider in order to make this work!
- A shared understanding of the various types of 'share' within this model
- Staff buy-in to the 'share' model at this level
- Staff capability around developing and using Student Subject Site templates with students; including embedding tasks and ensuring that the site and all tasks are public and visible
- Student blogs working properly when students start at Tamaki College in Year 9. In my experience, the barriers that this has caused in terms of enabling blogging to continue when students arrive at Tamaki College, has been hugely problematic
- Students being taught appropriate layout styles for sites, including use and choice of fonts, colour schemes, image choices for backgrounds etc
- Consistent Subject Site template designs to be used across all subject areas. More so in terms of enabling access to information to be the same regardless of the subject site.
- Consistent expectations of the frequency by which 'sharing' takes place across all subjects.
These are just a few actions for consideration. Much to ponder if 'sharing' at this level is going to be put into place to further engage student learning and promote student achievement.