Visibility, Workspace and Deadlines!
The Workspace itself was relatively straight forward to put together, because I already had many of the resources anyway. I've embedded many of the VTaL resources for the unit (Learning Activities, Student Check List, Class Task List, Google+ Community), into the Workspace, which is then embedded into the Google site.
So the trial that I'm wanting to undertake includes:
- is the site visible? (this should be a no brainer).
- is the Workspace visible?
- does the Workspace direct students towards meeting deadlines?! This is a big one for me, because trying to get students to complete and hand in work on time is a major issue.
The standard being offered during the JumpStart program is 'Create a Web Page 18734' which is worth 2 credits. I'll reflect on the effectiveness of this combination of VTaL tools at the conclusion of the unit, in terms of student achievement.